What To Consider When Reviewing Your Trust Deed

Trust deeds play a crucial role in Uganda, serving as the foundation for how trusts are set up and managed. These legal documents specify the terms and conditions for how assets are held and managed by trustees on behalf of beneficiaries. It is important to regularly review trust deeds to make sure they comply with current laws, adapt to any changes in circumstances, and continue to reflect the original intentions of the person(s) who set up the trust.

When is the right time to review your trust? And how can the document be accurately amended? To begin with, a number of circumstances often lead to the review of Trust Deed;

1. Change in Legal Framework

        Amendments to existing legislation or the introduction of new laws may necessitate a review of trust deeds. The relevant laws governing trust deeds in Uganda include the Trustees Act, the Trustees Incorporation Act, and the Registration of Titles Act. Trust deeds involving land or property must comply with the Registration of Titles Act, which governs the registration of land titles and any interests therein. Additionally, the Companies Act, 2012, regulates the relationship between trusts and company law, particularly where the trustee is a company or the trust holds shares in a company. These laws often change and this could impact the validity or administration of the trust.

        2. Significant Changes in Life, Trust Assets etc.

        Significant life events may require a review and possible amendment of the trust deed. Additionally, substantial changes in the trust’s assets, such as the acquisition or sale of significant property or investments, might necessitate an update to the trust deed to ensure proper management and distribution.

        Typical major events include:

        • Marriage or divorce
        • Birth or adoption of children or grandchildren
        • A beneficiary passing away
        • A person with an important role passing away (such as a trustee)
        • Buying or selling real estate
        • Buying or starting a business
        • Selling or closing down a business
        • Moving to another country (especially for Trustees)
        • Having a trust beneficiary with special needs
        • Substantial changes in asset value
        • Changes to your asset mix

        3. Modification of Trust Objectives

        If the original objectives of the trust no longer align with the settlor’s intentions or if the objectives have become obsolete or impractical, a review is necessary to realign the trust’s purposes.

        4. Dispute Resolution

         Disputes among trustees or beneficiaries regarding the interpretation or execution of the trust deed can prompt a review to resolve ambiguities and clarify the terms.

        5. Tax Law Changes

        Adjustments in tax legislation or regulations affecting trusts can require modifications to ensure compliance and optimize tax efficiency.

        Advisable Actions to Effect Trust Deed Reviews

        1.Assessment of the Current Deed

              The first step is to conduct a thorough assessment of the existing trust deed. This involves reviewing the deed’s terms, conditions, and provisions in light of current laws, regulations, and the trust’s operational needs. The Deed often guides on permissible amendments and by who.

              2. Consultation with Estate Planning and Financial Advisors

              Estate Planning professionals specializing in trust law can provide valuable insights and advice on necessary amendments, compliance, and potential implications.

              3. Preparation of Amendments

              Amendments to the trust deed should be drafted clearly and precisely to reflect the desired changes. This may involve drafting a formal deed of amendment to modify specific clauses or creating a supplemental trust deed if the changes are substantial.

              4. Approval by Trustees and Beneficiaries

              Depending on the Trust’s terms, amendments may require the consent of all or some trustees and beneficiaries. Ensuring that the relevant parties agree to the proposed changes is crucial for their validity.

              5. Execution and Formalization

              Once approved, the amended deed must be executed according to the legal requirements. This typically involves:

              1. Signing and witnessing the deed in the presence of appropriate witnesses.
              2. Registering the amended deed if it involves property or land to ensure it is legally effective.

              6. Updating Records and Notifications

              Trustees must update all relevant records to reflect the changes. This includes informing the relevant authorities or institutions, such as the Registrar of Titles for property-related amendments and notifying financial institutions or other entities holding trust assets.

              It is advisable to schedule regular reviews of the trust deed, even in the absence of immediate changes. Periodic reviews ensure the trust remains relevant and effective over time.

              Reviewing trust deeds in Uganda is an essential process for maintaining the trust’s effectiveness and compliance with legal requirements. Regular reviews and updates not only uphold the settlor’s intent but also adapt to evolving legal and personal contexts, ensuring the trust remains a functional legal instrument.

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